2025 Call for Exhibition Proposals
All exhibition proposals should relate to photography, photographic materials, or lens-based artwork. However, this definition is purposefully open-ended—moving-image work, installations, and performances related to photography may all be included in proposals. Additionally, artists, curators, and collectives are all welcome to submit proposals. For example, a single artist could submit a proposal for a solo show, or a curator or collective could submit a proposal for a group show.
Proposal Materials
We recommend that you make use of our gallery floor plan when developing your proposal and include any layout plans in your proposal narrative. This is especially important for any proposals that include site-specific installations and multimedia elements. Please include any proposed corresponding programming, such as artist talks, performances, etc. Applicants must pay a submission fee of $25 and provide the following materials:
- An artist or curatorial statement, describing the work to be exhibited and any corresponding programming (500 words max).
- A brief bio and CV for all artists and/or curators included in the proposal.
- 10 - 12 sample images of artworks intended for exhibition. These should be in JPEG format and sized at 1000 pixels on the longest side. Title format should include last name, first initial, and image number (e.g. DoeJ_1.jpg). If possible, we also recommend including a small number of installation images or examples.
- Links to videos and other multimedia content, no more than 5 minutes in length, if applicable
In order to defray the costs associated with producing an exhibition, Filter Photo offers a stipend to accepted applicants. This amount is determined based on guidelines from Working Artists and the Greater Economy (W.A.G.E.). Despite having an annual budget of significantly less than their set baseline of $500,000, Filter Photo is currently able to meet W.A.G.E.'s base level stipends thanks to foundational support. Sample stipends amounts are listed below, and are subject to change based on Filter Photo’s operating budget:
- Solo Exhibition: $1250
- Two-Person Exhibition: $625/artist
- Group Exhibition (3-5 Artists): $315/artist
Information for Accepted Applicants
Accepted applicants will be notified in May. You will then work with a Filter Photo staff member to determine the exhibition’s date, layout, and other details, which will all be confirmed via a contract.
The provided stipend is to be used at the artist's discretion, and is meant to offset production and shipping costs. Artists are responsible for all production costs, as well as the cost of shipping their work to and from the gallery for their exhibition.
Any revenue obtained from sales of artwork on display will be split between Filter Photo and the artist, with the artist receiving 70% and Filter Photo receiving 30% of the final sales price. This split will apply to works sold directly through Filter Photo.
If you have any questions or need assistance with submitting your application, please email info@filterphoto.org.